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Hardwipe For Windows

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About Hardwipe

Hardwipe is a powerful and efficient data deletion tool designed to ensure that deleted files and programs leave no traces behind on your hard drive. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Hardwipe guarantees total protection for your privacy by making deleted files completely inaccessible.

Key Feature

1: Secure Deletion of Files and Programs
Hardwipe ensures that deleted files and programs are permanently removed from your hard drive, leaving no traces behind. This secure deletion process guarantees that your data remains private and inaccessible, even if someone attempts to recover deleted files.

2: User-Friendly Interface
The program's interface is simple, clean, and effective, making it easy for users to navigate and perform secure deletion tasks. The left column features basic actions such as eliminating files and folders, deleting disks, and purging free space, while the rest of the window displays the necessary options for carrying out these tasks.

3: Full Control Over Deletion Process
Hardwipe provides users with full control over the deletion process, allowing them to review and confirm their actions before permanently deleting any data. Once the user clicks "OK," the selected information will be securely deleted and rendered inaccessible.

4: Privacy Protection
Hardwipe is an ideal solution for users who value their privacy and want to ensure that their deleted files remain inaccessible to others. By securely deleting files and programs, Hardwipe guarantees total protection for your privacy.

5: Purge Free Space
In addition to securely deleting files and programs, Hardwipe also offers the option to purge free space on your hard drive. This feature ensures that any residual data left behind by previously deleted files is also securely erased, providing an extra layer of privacy protection.

In conclusion, Hardwipe is a powerful and user-friendly data deletion tool designed to ensure that deleted files and programs leave no traces behind on your hard drive. With its secure deletion features, user-friendly interface, and focus on privacy protection, Hardwipe offers a reliable solution for users who want to maintain their privacy and ensure that their deleted data remains inaccessible.

Reviewed by Ryan J. Boudreaux


Updated onMar 19, 2020

Old Versions

Mar 19, 2020
Mar 6, 2017
All Versions
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Hardwipe for PC
Delete files permanently
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install Hardwipe on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading Hardwipe for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install Hardwipe on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run Hardwipe on Windows PC.