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Hiren's BootCD For Windows

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About Hiren's BootCD

Hiren’s BootCD PE is an emergency diagnostic boot disk based on Windows 10 PE x64. Hiren's BootCD is the original emergency diagnostic boot disk.

Hiren’s BootCD PE provides a compilation of programs to help resolves most internet and computer issues including driver failure, intermittent internet connection, and other computer malfunctions. One unique feature of Hiren's BootCD is the ability to automatically install most essential drivers, including internet, so you can get straight to work.

Reviewed by Vivian D. Stephens


Updated onMay 7, 2013

Old Versions

Hiren's BootCD15.2
May 7, 2013
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Hiren's BootCD for PC
The most complete all-in-one bootable CD
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install Hiren's BootCD on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading Hiren's BootCD for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install Hiren's BootCD on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run Hiren's BootCD on Windows PC.