Is Free MP3 Cutter for Windows safe to install?

On APKPure we take the security of our users' devices seriously. To ensure that our software is safe and secure to download, we use Virustotal which has access to more than 70 security vendors to regularly scan the files and updated versions uploaded to our platform. In this way, all the potential viruses, spyware, and malware that may harm your device will be detected in time. We are committed to providing a safe and secure platform for our users and will continue to take all necessary measures to protect our users' devices. Meanwhile, if you find any inappropriate software on our platform, you can submit the issue on our Report Page to help us remove harmful programs and apps as soon as possible.
Free MP3 Cutter icon

Free MP3 Cutter for Windows

Cut desired parts from your MP3 files.


1 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious


Malicious (score: 100)

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