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Cross DJ Pro For Windows

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About Cross DJ Pro

Cross DJ Pro for PC is a game-changing audio mixing tool that allows you to create professional sound effects with ease and simplicity. The software's intuitive interface sets it apart from other audio mixing programs, making it the ideal choice for both novice and experienced users to create all sorts of different mixes.
One of the best things about Cross DJ Pro is how easy it is to use. The program allows you to import songs from any portable device or directly from iTunes, and it can read all audio files in different formats including M4A, AIFF, WAV, MP3, FLAC, and OGG.
Moreover, Cross DJ Pro offers multiple options for operating the program, including using a MIDI device such as Vestax VCM-100 or VCI-100, Pionneer CDJ-400, Numark TOTAL CONTROL, or simply using your keyboard and mouse, or setting up pre-configured keyboard shortcuts. This flexible approach offers the user an easier, faster and more convenient way to create their music.
The software offers a broad range of mixing and mastering tools and options with a smooth interface. Cross DJ Pro's accurate BPM detection and auto-sync feature help keep the music perfectly in time, which is essential for creating professional-level music tracks. Additionally, the software offers a wide range of sound effects and filters, from delay and reverb to high and low-pass filters, making it possible to create an extensive variety of sounds and perfectly polished tracks.
In conclusion, Cross DJ Pro is an incredibly comprehensive audio mixing application. It is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to explore the world of music mixing, from budding DJs to experienced music creators. With its simple and intuitive interface, the seamless integration with iTunes and other portable devices, and its flexibility in terms of mixing and mastering tools, Cross DJ Pro offers a great platform for any aspiring music enthusiast to enter the wonderful world of audio mixing. The software is an excellent choice for anyone who is looking for effortless mixing capabilities and a professional quality sound.

Reviewed by Ryan J. Boudreaux


Updated onAug 10, 2021

Old Versions

Cross DJ Pro4.2.0
Aug 10, 2021
Cross DJ Pro3.4.0
Apr 30, 2020
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Cross DJ Pro for PC
Create your own music with this complete virtual mixer
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install Cross DJ Pro on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading Cross DJ Pro for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install Cross DJ Pro on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run Cross DJ Pro on Windows PC.