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Dink Smallwood For Windows

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About Dink Smallwood

Dink Smallwood is a Zelda-style RPG featuring 3D isometric graphics, offering players a unique and entertaining gaming experience. Players control Dink, an aspiring young pig farmer, as he embarks on a journey filled with humor and adventure. With the ability to download hundreds of DMODs (Dink Modules) created by the Dink community, players can expand the story or create new adventures using DinkEdit and a powerful scripting system. In this article, we will discuss the key features of Dink Smallwood.

Key Feature

1.Engaging Gameplay
Dink Smallwood offers players an engaging and immersive gameplay experience, as they control Dink on his journey from a dud to a stud. The game's humor-filled storyline, combined with its Zelda-style RPG format, provides hours of entertainment for players of all ages and skill levels.

2. 3D Isometric Graphics
The game features 3D isometric graphics, giving it a unique and visually appealing style. These graphics allow players to fully immerse themselves in the world of Dink Smallwood and enjoy a captivating gaming experience.

3.Expansive DMOD Library
Dink Smallwood allows players to download hundreds of DMODs (Dink Modules) created by the Dink community. These DMODs add to the game's story, providing players with a virtually endless supply of new adventures and challenges to explore. This feature greatly enhances the game's replayability and keeps players engaged for hours on end.

4.DinkEdit and Powerful Scripting System
Included with the game download is DinkEdit, a powerful editing tool that enables players to create their own adventures and stories. The game also features a robust scripting system, allowing players to fully customize their gaming experience and create unique adventures for Dink to embark on.

5.Active and Supportive Community
Dink Smallwood boasts an active and supportive community of players and creators, ensuring that new DMODs and adventures are continually being developed and shared. This community-driven aspect of the game adds to its appeal and ensures that players will always have new content to explore and enjoy.

In conclusion, Dink Smallwood is a humor-filled, Zelda-style RPG that offers players a unique and engaging gaming experience. With its 3D isometric graphics, expansive DMOD library, DinkEdit and powerful scripting system, and active community, Dink Smallwood provides hours of entertainment for players of all ages and skill levels.

Reviewed by Robinson Technologies


Updated onJanuary 4, 2010
DeveloperRobinson Technologies
Operating systemWindows 95, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows, Windows XP

Old Versions

Dink Smallwood1.08
January 4, 2010
exe32 bit
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Dink Smallwood for PC
Travel across mystical lands and explore dark caverns in this Zelda-like RPG.
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install Dink Smallwood on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading Dink Smallwood for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install Dink Smallwood on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run Dink Smallwood on Windows PC.