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RealArcade For Windows

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About RealArcade

RealArcade is a comprehensive gaming portal that provides access to hundreds of excellent arcade games, catering to casual and arcade gamers alike. With a variety of features and an easy-to-use interface, RealArcade offers a one-stop gaming experience that keeps players entertained and engaged.

Key Feature

1: Access to Hundreds of Arcade Games
RealArcade itself is not a game, but rather a portal that leads to hundreds of high-quality arcade games. This extensive library ensures that players can find a game that suits their interests and preferences, providing endless entertainment options.

2: Free Trials and Affordable Registration
Most of the games available on RealArcade offer 60-minute trials, allowing players to test out games before committing to a purchase. If players decide to register a game, the cost is a reasonable $19.95, making gaming accessible and affordable.

3: Web Games and Plug-In
The Web Games tab lets players access free Web-based variations of arcade games using a special plug-in. This feature provides additional gaming options and adds variety to the RealArcade experience.

4: One-Stop Access and Organization
RealArcade can search your hard drive for all the games you already have, providing one-stop access to your entire gaming collection. If the program misses a game, you can simply drag and drop its shortcut onto the RealArcade window, ensuring that all your games are easily accessible in one place.

5: Community Interaction
The interface also gives players access to game reviews and message boards, allowing them to connect with the gaming community and share cheats, tricks, and tips. This feature fosters a sense of community among gamers and enhances the overall gaming experience.

The only downside to RealArcade is that installing the package can take quite a while, but the wait is worth it for the extensive gaming options it provides. With no adware included, and ads only appearing occasionally in the interface for Web games, RealArcade offers a clean and enjoyable gaming experience. In conclusion, RealArcade is highly recommended for all casual and arcade gamers, providing access to hundreds of excellent games, free trials, affordable registration, Web games, one-stop access, and community interaction.

Reviewed by Staff


Updated onNovember 9, 2008
Operating systemWindows 95, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows 98, Windows, Windows XP, Windows NT

Old Versions

November 9, 2008
exe32 bit
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RealArcade for PC
Play more than 400 games - puzzle, word & arcade classics.
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install RealArcade on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading RealArcade for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install RealArcade on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run RealArcade on Windows PC.