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GanttProject For Windows

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About GanttProject

GanttProject is an open-source initiative designed to create a powerful and versatile program capable of producing graphs that represent the distribution of tasks for various projects in the short, medium, and long-term. This comprehensive tool can be applied to various scenarios, from the business world to personal tasks, making it an invaluable resource for managing time and resources efficiently.

Key Feature

1: Versatile Application
GanttProject can be used to create diagrams for a wide range of scenarios, including business projects, exam preparation, home construction, or specific tasks. This versatility ensures that users can effectively plan and manage their projects, regardless of the context or industry.

2: Resource Allocation
The program allows users to distribute activities by person or "resources," making it an ideal tool for managing group projects. This feature enables users to efficiently allocate tasks and resources, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.

3: Task Progress Tracking
GanttProject enables users to track the progress of tasks and save a copy of their status at various stages of execution. This feature allows users to compare the planned and actual completion of tasks, providing valuable insights into the efficiency of the project management process.

4: Customizable Scheduling
The tool is highly customizable, allowing users to set individual worker's days off as well as general free days. This feature ensures that project schedules accurately reflect the availability of resources, leading to more accurate and realistic project timelines.

5: Open-Source Initiative
As an open-source initiative, GanttProject is continually updated and improved by a community of developers and users. This collaborative approach ensures that the program remains up-to-date with the latest features and enhancements, providing users with a reliable and cutting-edge project management tool.

In conclusion, GanttProject is a comprehensive and versatile project management tool that offers a range of features, including versatile application, resource allocation, task progress tracking, customizable scheduling, and open-source development. With its powerful capabilities and user-friendly interface, GanttProject is an invaluable resource for managing projects across various industries and contexts.

Reviewed by Ryan J. Boudreaux


Updated onMay 26, 2022
8 more

Old Versions

May 26, 2022
exe32 bit
Dec 10, 2021
All Versions
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GanttProject for PC
Create time diagrams for the phases of a project
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install GanttProject on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading GanttProject for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install GanttProject on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run GanttProject on Windows PC.