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StickyNote For Windows

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About StickyNote

StickyNote is a versatile and feature-rich reminder note application that brings the convenience and familiarity of physical sticky notes to your digital workspace. With its realistic 3D notes and various customization options, StickyNote offers users an efficient and visually appealing way to manage reminders, tasks, and other important information. The program's key features are organized into five main categories:

Key Feature

1. Customizable 3D Notes
StickyNote's 3D notes closely resemble real bits of paper stuck to your screen, providing a familiar and intuitive user experience. Users can choose from various colors and textures to personalize their notes, making it easy to categorize and prioritize tasks and reminders.

2. Advanced Note Functionality
Unlike traditional paper notes, StickyNote allows users to attach web links and files to their notes, enhancing their utility and versatility. Users can also send notes via email, making it easy to share important information with colleagues, friends, or family members. To keep your desktop organized, StickyNote can dock notes to the side of the screen, roll them up, or hide them when not needed.

3. Window-Linked Notes
StickyNote's unique window-linking feature enables users to associate a note with a specific window, making the note appear only when that window is open. This functionality helps users stay focused on the task at hand by displaying relevant information and reminders only when they are needed.

4. Note Management and Reminders
The StickyNote Manager function allows users to keep track of hundreds of notes, ensuring that important information is always easily accessible. The program also includes reminder functionality, with the ability to set expiration dates for notes, which are automatically trashed when they are no longer needed. This feature helps users stay organized and on top of their tasks and deadlines.

5. Security and Privacy
To protect sensitive information and keep notes private, StickyNote allows users to lock their notes with a password. This security feature ensures that prying eyes cannot access confidential information, making the program suitable for both home and business users.

In conclusion, StickyNote is a comprehensive and visually appealing reminder note application that offers a range of advanced features and customization options. With its realistic 3D notes, advanced note functionality, window-linked notes, robust note management system, and security features, StickyNote is an excellent tool for managing tasks, reminders, and important information in a digital environment.

Reviewed by Staff


Updated onNovember 8, 2008
Operating systemWindows 95, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows, Windows XP, Windows NT

Old Versions

November 8, 2008
exe32 bit
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StickyNote for PC
Create and organize 3D sticky notes on your desktop or send them over the Internet.
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install StickyNote on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading StickyNote for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install StickyNote on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run StickyNote on Windows PC.