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Open Hardware Monitor For Windows

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About Open Hardware Monitor

Open Hardware Monitor is a free, open-source program designed to help users monitor their computer's temperature, fan speeds, CPU clock frequency, and voltages. With its simple interface and easy-to-use features, Open Hardware Monitor provides valuable real-time information about your PC's performance.

Key Feature

1: Monitor Temperature Sensors
One of the main functions of Open Hardware Monitor is to monitor the temperature of your computer's sensors. This feature allows users to keep track of their system's temperature, ensuring that it remains within safe operating limits and preventing potential overheating issues.

2: Fan Speeds and CPU Clock Frequency Monitoring
In addition to temperature monitoring, Open Hardware Monitor also enables users to monitor their computer's fan speeds and CPU clock frequency. This information is crucial for maintaining optimal system performance and ensuring that your computer is running efficiently.

3: Voltage Monitoring
Open Hardware Monitor provides users with the ability to monitor their system's voltages. This feature helps users maintain the stability and reliability of their computer, as irregular voltages can lead to system crashes or hardware damage.

4: Easy Setup and Configuration
One of the advantages of Open Hardware Monitor is its ease of setup and configuration. Users do not need to install the program to use it; they simply need to activate an option to set it up to start with Windows. The options tab allows users to change units for measuring temperature or the registration interval of sensors. Additionally, users can easily edit component names by right-clicking on them.

5: Real-Time Information
Thanks to Open Hardware Monitor, users can access real-time information about their computer's performance, including temperature, fan speeds, CPU clock frequency, and voltages. This valuable information helps users maintain their system's performance and troubleshoot potential issues before they escalate.

In conclusion, Open Hardware Monitor is a highly useful and easy-to-use program that provides users with comprehensive real-time information about their computer's performance. Its ability to monitor temperature, fan speeds, CPU clock frequency, and voltages makes it an essential tool for maintaining optimal system performance and ensuring the stability and reliability of your PC.

Reviewed by Eddie C. Reardon


Updated onDec 27, 2020
DeveloperMichael Möller

Old Versions

Open Hardware Monitor0.9.6
Dec 27, 2020
Open Hardware Monitor0.9.5
May 26, 2020
All Versions
Open Hardware Monitor icon
Open Hardware Monitor for PC
Monitor your PC temperature, speed and voltage
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install Open Hardware Monitor on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading Open Hardware Monitor for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install Open Hardware Monitor on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run Open Hardware Monitor on Windows PC.