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PDFCreator For Windows

6.436_5.1.2Security Status
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About PDFCreator

PDFCreator is a user-friendly and versatile tool that allows users to create high-quality PDFs and various other document types from the Print command or shell menu, all for free. With its simple yet powerful features, PDFCreator is an excellent choice for users who need an efficient and cost-effective solution for creating PDF documents.

Key Feature

1: Easy-to-Use Interface
PDFCreator features an intuitive interface that makes creating PDFs a breeze. Users can easily generate high-quality PDFs from the Print command or shell menu, making the process quick and hassle-free.

2: Versatile Document Creation
In addition to creating PDFs, PDFCreator also supports the conversion and saving of files in 13 different formats, including bitmap, PostScript, and others. This versatility ensures that users can create a wide range of document types to suit their specific needs.

3: Customizable Metadata
PDFCreator allows users to easily add and edit metadata, such as Title, Author, and Keywords, for their documents. Users can also modify a document's Creation and Modify dates or instantly add the current date and time, providing greater control over the final output.

4: Integration with Print and Context Menus
PDFCreator can be added to both the Print menu and context menus, making it easily accessible whenever users need to create a PDF or convert a document. This seamless integration ensures that users can quickly and easily access the tool when needed.

5: Optional Extras and Language Support
The standard installation of PDFCreator includes optional downloads such as Images2PDF and PDFArchitect, as well as sample files and a choice of language and Help files. These additional features enhance the overall functionality of the software and provide users with more options for creating and managing their documents.

In conclusion, PDFCreator is an easy-to-use and versatile tool that enables users to create high-quality PDFs and various other document types with ease. With its user-friendly interface, versatile document creation capabilities, customizable metadata, integration with Print and context menus, and optional extras and language support, PDFCreator is an excellent choice for users seeking a powerful and cost-effective solution for creating PDF documents.

Reviewed by Leticia F. Curry


Updated onAug 24, 2023
22 more

Old Versions

Aug 24, 2023
exe32 bit
Aug 21, 2023
exe32 bit
All Versions
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PDFCreator for PC
Create a PDF document in just one minute
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install PDFCreator on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading PDFCreator for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install PDFCreator on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run PDFCreator on Windows PC.