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Process Monitor For Windows

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About Process Monitor

Process Monitor is a powerful and comprehensive tool that significantly expands the capabilities of the traditional Windows process monitor. This advanced program allows users to monitor all active processes on their system, offering a range of features that enable precise control and fine-tuning of searches and system management.

Key Feature

1: Comprehensive Process Monitoring
Process Monitor provides users with a complete overview of all active processes on their system, ensuring that they have full visibility and control over their computer's performance. This comprehensive monitoring capability makes it easy for users to identify and manage processes that may be affecting system performance.

2: Advanced Filtering Options
The program offers a range of advanced filtering options, allowing users to fine-tune their searches and focus on specific processes or system elements. These customizable filters ensure that users can quickly and easily locate the information they need to manage their system effectively.

3: Enhanced Process Control
With Process Monitor, users can end processes that would typically be impossible to terminate using the standard Windows administrator. This enhanced process control enables users to manage their system more effectively and resolve issues that may be impacting performance.

4: Launch Applications and Files
In addition to its process management capabilities, Process Monitor also allows users to launch applications and files directly from the program's interface. This feature streamlines system management and ensures that users can quickly access and execute the tools and resources they need.

5: Real-Time Performance Metrics
Process Monitor also provides users with real-time performance metrics, such as memory usage and the range of ongoing processes. This real-time monitoring capability enables users to stay informed about their system's performance and make informed decisions about process management and resource allocation.

In conclusion, Process Monitor is an invaluable tool for users looking to gain greater control over their system's processes and performance. With its comprehensive process monitoring, advanced filtering options, enhanced process control, application and file launching capabilities, and real-time performance metrics, Process Monitor offers a complete solution for managing and optimizing system performance.

Reviewed by Thomas P. Larson


Updated onJun 28, 2023

Old Versions

Process Monitor3.95
Jun 28, 2023
Process Monitor3.94
Jun 9, 2023
All Versions
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Process Monitor for PC
Free and complete process manager
Free Downloadfor Windows

How to download and Install Process Monitor on Windows PC

  • Click on the Download button to start downloading Process Monitor for Windows.
  • Open the .exe installation file in the Downloads folder and double click it.
  • Follow the instructions in the pop-up window to install Process Monitor on Windows PC.
  • Now you can open and run Process Monitor on Windows PC.